DJI Mavic Air 2 vs Autel Robotics EVO II Bluetooth-Enabled Drones Comparison

November 10, 2021

Drone Showdown: DJI Mavic Air 2 vs Autel Robotics EVO II

DJI and Autel Robotics are two of the biggest players in the drone industry. They’ve each released some impressive drones over the years, including the DJI Mavic Air 2 and the Autel Robotics EVO II. These two drones are both Bluetooth-enabled and come with a variety of features that make them exceptionally user-friendly. But which one is better?

We went ahead and compared both drones in six different categories to figure out which one comes out on top. May the best drone win!

Design and Build Quality

The Mavic Air 2 is a sleek and portable drone, weighing in at only 570 grams. It has folding arms that make it incredibly easy to transport, while still feeling sturdy enough to withstand a bit of wind.

On the other hand, the Autel Robotics EVO II has a more traditional drone design, with four thick legs that can be removed for easy storage. It feels like it can take a bit more of a beating than the Mavic Air 2.

Both drones feel durable with high-quality construction, but the Mavic Air 2 feels more portable, while the EVO II has a more rugged feel.

Verdict: Tie


The camera is one of the most important factors in a drone, and both the Mavic Air 2 and EVO II have exceptional cameras. The Mavic Air 2 has a 48-megapixel camera and a 1/2-inch CMOS sensor, while the EVO II has an 8K camera and a 1/2-inch CMOS sensor.

While both cameras are impressive, the EVO II wins this round with its 8K camera. However, it's important to keep in mind that 8K video is still not supported by most devices or platforms, while 4K is, making the Mavic Air 2 more versatile for most users.

Verdict: Autel Robotics EVO II

Flight Time

The Mavic Air 2 has a flight time of approximately 34 minutes, which is impressive for its size. The EVO II, however, has a slightly longer flight time of approximately 40 minutes.

Although the EVO II has a slightly longer flight time, the difference is not significant enough to make a huge impact on the overall flying experience.

Verdict: Autel Robotics EVO II


Both drones can be connected to a mobile device using Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or USB. The Mavic Air 2 can connect to a mobile device at a range of up to 10km using DJI’s proprietary OcuSync 2.0 technology. On the other hand, the EVO II can connect to a range of up to 9km using Autel Robotics’ proprietary Enhanced Wi-Fi technology.

The Mavic Air 2 is the clear winner in terms of connectivity range.

Verdict: DJI Mavic Air 2

Obstacle Avoidance

The Mavic Air 2 comes with three obstacle avoidance sensors on the front, rear, and underneath. These sensors work incredibly well, detecting obstacles from up to 23.6m away.

The EVO II, on the other hand, has twelve obstacle avoidance sensors spread around the drone's body. These sensors cover all directions and can detect obstacles up to 30m away.

Although the Mavic Air 2 has excellent obstacle avoidance sensors, the EVO II’s twelve sensors provide a better sense of security when flying in more challenging environments.

Verdict: Autel Robotics EVO II


Price is always a important factor to consider. The Mavic Air 2 starts at around $799, while the EVO II starts at about $1,595.

While the price difference is significant, both drones offer exceptional value for their price points. If you're looking for a more affordable option, the Mavic Air 2 may be the better choice.

Verdict: DJI Mavic Air 2


Overall, both the DJI Mavic Air 2 and Autel Robotics EVO II are incredible Bluetooth-enabled drones. They each have their own unique advantages, so the better drone for you will depend on your individual needs and priorities.

If you're looking for a more portable option with long-range connectivity and excellent obstacle avoidance, the DJI Mavic Air 2 is an excellent choice. If you're looking for a drone with an incredible camera and longer flight time, the Autel Robotics EVO II may be the better fit.

No matter which drone you choose, you can rest assured that both of these drones are top-of-the-line options that won't disappoint.


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